- tA Valle del Arcoiris
- tA Tres Marías
Last month, a group of “travelArtists” from Sales & Operations Manager Claudia Umscheid’s team travelled to the Atacama Desert to take in its unique “desert feeling” and to get a first-hand look into the region’s latest developments – all so they’ll be able to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information possible.
In addition to excursions to Atacama tourist destinations, the programme included hotel and restaurant inspections in Calama and San Pedro. Their findings will, of course, play an immediate and important role in our client counselling. Claudia also organized a workshop for our local guides, focusing on soft skills and how best to recognize and respond to each client’s specific requirements and goals. Our guides are excited and ready for the new season!
After their week in the north, our travelArtists returned to Santiago educated and invigorated – and are looking forward to answering all your questions about travelling in the Atacama!