- Atacamadventure
- Atacamadventure Room
- Atacamadventure Bathroom
- Atacamadventure Kitchen
- Atacamadventure Living Room
- Atacamadventure Terrace
Featuring personalized services and flexibility along with authentic Atacama atmosphere and stunning views to the volcanoes, the Atacama Adventure Lodge is located besides the inrushes of tourists, about 1.5 km outside of San Pedro. This exclusive lodge experience is limited to three tastefully decorated rooms with whirlpool and massage shower. Guests will find a comfortable living room, dining room and fully equipped kitchen in the main area of the hotel. Food can be prepared there by themselves or alternatively by a chef. Additionally, a spa offers everything from Swedish massage through hot stone massages to reflexology.
Rooms: 5
Faclilities: Living room, dining room, fully equipped kitchen, whirlpool, massage shower, spa, TV, terraces, garden with hammocks, laundry service, parking lots
Activities:All-inclusive packages with transfers and excursions are available. All tours are individually planned.