- Exit 4 at the airport SCL
- Restaurant LeFournil Airport SCL
- Airport SCL outside
Due to the renovation works, the current exit area at the Santiago airport may cause confusion. To ensure that our guests find our drivers and tour guides safely after passing the customs check, guests should turn to the right and go to exit door No. 4. The number 4 on a yellow background is clearly visible above the exit. The Café Le Fournil is a reference, which you will find on the left just before the sliding doors of Exit No. 4. There is also a guided path of green markings leading you to this door, and most passengers leave the airport building on this route. Our drivers and tour guides always wait for the guests with a corresponding name badge.
Pirate taxis
The main travel season has started, with so-called pirate taxi drivers trying to catch tourists at the Santiago airport. They offer trips at excessively high prices. The pirate taxi drivers try to make the guests believe that the booked transfer is not able to pick them up and have thus come at the bequest of the hotel. These drivers charge greatly inflated prices (up to $200 USD) and hand a voucher to the guest, which they say are to be reimbursed by the tour operator. Occasionally they feign a phone call with the tour operator to authorize the taxi ride.
To avoid this inconvenience to all involved, we would like to repeat our important note regarding the pick-up of your guests by our drivers. We ask you to inform your guests prior to their departure to Chile of the following:
- In the case that the tour guide and guest do not meet at the airport, the guest must personally call our 24-hour emergency phone: +56 9 98 83 78 34. Guests should save this phone number in their mobile phone before travel.
- Under no circumstances should guests accept phone calls from a pirate taxi driver’s mobile phone. Also, the taxi ride should never be paid to the driver. Our services are already paid! If our driver is truly not at the airport, guests can book a taxi at the office of an authorized taxi company in the airport building. Guests should only ever take a taxi booked at an authorized taxi office. The cost will not exceed more than $20,000 to $25,000 Chilean pesos.
If you have any questions, your travelArt contact person will be happy to help. You can also send an email to info@travelart.com.