Home / Newsletter / Situation after 16.09. Earthquake

Situation after 16.09. Earthquake

After the strong earthquake (8,4) in the evening of September 16th, 2015 at 19:55 local time and a couple of aftershocks, the situation has calmed down. The epicentre was just off the coast, around 270 km northwest of the capital Santiago.

During the night, tsunami waves arrived at the Pacific coast, reaching the coastline of the “Small North” and the central region of Chile. Especially the “Small North” was hit by the waves and left houses near the shore, fisher boats and infrastructure damaged in some parts. People living in the coastal regions have been evacuated on time. Meanwhile the tsunami alert has been cancelled.

In the capital Santiago as well as in other cities in the interior of the country, no damages were reported. All highways are accessible.

All travelArtists are well and no clients have been affected.

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